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- Written by Alison

Create A Safe Office Space with Secure IT Asset Disposal
With many workplaces returning, we have seen an increase in requests for secure IT asset disposal services to build a safe workplace for employees. As businesses try to recover from the Covid pandemic, employees and employers alike are striving for a return to normality.
Returning to Normality
Although working from home has helped sustain many businesses through this pandemic, many organisations and employees are keen to reclaim some normality. Creating a safe, inviting, collaborative workspace for employees is a vital step in business recovery. In order to comply with social distancing guidelines, and create a safe environment for an office return, most offices will have to restructure. This could also mean removing computer work stations, and bulky IT equipment such as printers and scanners, to allow the space for employees to follow distancing rules.
Planning a Covid-Secure Workplace
The majority of pre-pandemic office layouts do not meet the new guidelines. Additional space must be afforded to employees to allow a comfortable 2m area to work comfortably and safely. Employers are having to review existing office environments, and plan the changes to make an office space Covid-secure. In most cases, this also requires a review of your IT assets.
Adapting & Removing Work Stations in the Office
Individual workstations with sufficient distance between employees are vital. This often means that workstations, and their associated IT equipment have to be removed. With many employees working at least partially from home, even the desktop computers at remaining workstations are being replaced by laptops. Prompt, secure computer disposal helps to ensure that redundant IT equipment is properly recycled with no risk of data escape, whilst clearing the space needed for employees to feel safe and comfortable when working.
Going Paper Free: Disposing of Obsolete IT Equipment
Many offices will have multiple printer and scanner stations, typically located in breakout areas, near or enroute to kitchen areas and toilets. In many cases, being forced to switch to a paperless, digital environment has rendered these common items of IT equipment obsolete.
Secure disposal of printers, scanners and other bulky IT equipment provides a double benefit:
- The space created helps to provide clear pathways to entrances and exits and improve access to kitchens, toilets and hand sanitizing stations so that all employees can access these areas whilst maintaining their distance.
- At the same time, removing these items helps to maintain strong digital practices that have been forced upon us by the lockdown. Reducing consumption of electricity, ink and paper helps to reduce costs and environmental impacts.
Every cloud has a silver lining, and this is a great opportunity to create a paper-free office whilst also opening up space for office remodelling.
Hassle Free IT Asset Collection
CCL (North) Ltd offers a hassle-free collection service for all your excess IT assets. Our collections team can safely remove redundant IT equipment for secure disposal, recycling or refurbishment. Creating a work space suitable for employees to return is a significant step in business recovery - contact us today to book your hassle-free IT asset collection.