What’s really inside your PC, and how can old televisions turn into gardens? Discover this and much more about recycling electrical equipment with Optimum Eco Group this October holiday week - we’re delighted to be working with North Ayrshire Council’s STEM team with a FREE event for primary and secondary school pupils at Eglinton Park on Wednesday 16th October, as part of their Biodiversity and Sustainability Week.
Come along to our electrical ‘tinker tables’ at the Racquet Hall from 10am-4pm and discover what’s inside a range of common household electrical equipment, disassemble a range of items and sort the components into different recyclable materials.
We’ll also have a collection point to drop off electrical and electronic equipment, which can then be safely processed, recycled and components retrieved and put back into use. The event is suitable for age five and up, plus families/carers - children should be accompanied by a supervising adult.
Optimum Eco Group, leading innovator in electronic and electrical recycling now employs more than 110 staff across its two Irvine sites, CCL (North) and Restructa.
CCL (North), specialises in secure data destruction and IT & WEEE refurbishing and recycling.
Restructa, are Scotland’s only specialist Display recycling company providing reuse and recycling solutions for all types of Display products including TVs, computer monitors and commercial displays.
For more information:
CCL (North) - www.cclnorth.com
Restructa - www.restructa.co.uk
Optimum Eco - www.optimumeco.com